Tuesday, July 14, 2009

little stuff

So, I've decided to scrap my car today... which means I won't have one during my last semester at college.

Anyway, I don't think I'll work on anything large tonight, but I've got enough //TODO things that I can just go through and fix/add little things. I just adapted the ship importing algorithm so that agents don't necessarily have to start facing north. You can specify a different facing direction for each starting square. (and it works, I just tested it) this isn't a big deal for the original X-COM ships, but I want for there to be more options.

Things I'll eventually include... driveable vehicles, parachuting into a mission, etc.


Jotaf said...

You could probably implement parachuting trivially as just an empty ship; or do you have something else in mind?

abagoforanges said...

Exactly!!! :-)