Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I was just experimenting a bit and I wrote my first few lines of code. I now have a few classes, (Main, Display, and World) basically, World keeps track of a char[][] array that contains some randomly generated characters. Display keeps track of the view-port location, which can scroll freely around to view the char grid using some simple input commands. (the size of the view-port and World array can both be adjusted, for example, I had a 25X25 World array with a view-port of only 10x10, which meant that if I 'scrolled' around, i could only see a 10x10 square portion of the entire world at one time. Nothing big, just a fun bit of experimentation. :-)

Seriously... an X-Com Rogue Like.

Oh, I'm writing this in Java using Eclipse... which I know won't be as powerful if I were to write it in c++ or some-such, but, I'm the most comfortable with Java, so, this is what you/we/I get.

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