Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Minor update

Just a minor update before I forget about it. I've got 4 exams and 4 projects due in the next 8 days, so I'll likely (or shouldn't) get much done on this. I have, however, successfully figured out how to connect the gameplay loop to an event timer so that after the passage of X amount of time, the geoscape clock automatically updates. A few bugs surfaced though... in that it's possible for the forced refresh of the zoom to interfere with the forced refresh of the time update... (which makes for some interesting things as it's rendering the ascii matrix) I've got a few ideas how to fix this. Also, I've got an invisible variable properly moving the horizon, now I just need to modify the rendering methods so that they access this variable to see if it should render the element in question as day, dawn/dusk, or night. That's about it. I'm pretty sure that this project will go on hiatus for a month in November as I direct my extra time towards the NANOWRIMO. (National Novel Writing Month) I'll likely post on here about my progress with that, and at the very least, have a link to my progress bar as I slog through 50K (or more) words in 30 days.

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